WORRY NO MORE ABOUT YOUR LOSE HAIR  MAY BE you have find and tried so many ways to get a healthy,long and heavy hair  But you won’t find your miracle shampoo & conditioner. Everything is a process, including achieving healthier, stronger hair. If you want long, beautiful tresses, you have to be willing to work for them!
Do you often experience snapping, popping or crackling of your hair especially when you are brushing, detangling or styling it? 
Do you end up with hair strands in the shower, when removing your hair bands? This might be an indication that your hair is breaking off.
Not to be confused with hair loss, which is more of the ‘hair falling off from the roots when hair follicle becoming inactive or degenerating’ with hair never growing back, hair breakage is the snapping off especially along its strand due to some of reasons we are going to discuss. Of course, hair falls off at the root naturally when it completes is life cycle, this is nothing other than normal hair shedding.

Although it can happen on any part on your scalp, hair breakage is common around the hairline, at the crown, on sides of your head especially around your temples, or anywhere else on your scalp. Do not be surprised if you have hair breaking off in the back of head, in the middle of your scalp, etc.

Whereas hair problems including breakage tend to worsen as people age, hair breakage is that can affect adults and children, men and women. However, breakage is higher in older women and men since aging naturally reduces moisture content in hair. Natural oil production also goes down.

Normal or excessive hair breaking off

If you notice a few strands of hair falling off, you need not to be alarmed since “hair shedding is a natural part of life; you lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day”. This happens after hair has completed its life cycle.
However, sometimes, you might have excessive breakage of hair due to bad hair care routines, styling, products, among other factors. This will often make your hair to split off and break before its normal life cycle is complete.

Why is breaking of hair undesirable?

When your hair is breaking off unevenly, you may end up with some parts of your hair longer than others may, an uneven hairline, having hair on one side of your scalp while none on the other side, difficulties in styling it, among other undesirable things.  In fact, you will need special hairstyles to hide the fact that you have severe hair breakage.

Causes hair breakage

There are many causes of hair breakage ranging from simple those have to do with hair care, styling and treatments to medical reasons to diet and so on. The hair type one has can also be a factor since some hair types are prone to breakages or tangle so much making them vulnerable to breakages. Some of the main causes of hair breakage include:

1. Lack moisture and oil

Your hair’s strength and ability to stretch depends on disulphide bonds that hold keratin in the cortex of your hair as well as moisture content. This is so since “moisture allows the disulphide bonds in your hair to stretch and retract to normal again – without this, your hair would snap off every time you brushed, blow-dried or changed its style” [ philipkingsley.co.uk].
To help retain moisture in your hair, your scalp produced some natural oil which excessive hair shampooing, chemical and heat processing can get rid of these oils. Similarly, chlorine exposure, and winter weather can affect oil and consequently moisture content, encouraging your hair to dry and break off easily.

2. Hair care and styling

One of the main reasons why your hair breaks has something to do with how you care for it. As noted in ladies health, “from highlights to lowlights, chemical perms to chemical straightening, blow drying, braiding, and bleaching, how we treat our hair has a direct impact on how healthy — or unhealthy — it looks”. Some of the common hair care and styling routines that might be breaking your hair include:

Tight hairstyles and pony tails

Going hairstyles that are tight and continually pull your hair especially pony tails and braids will stress hair resulting to breakages, especially hair breakage in the  front i.e. hair breakage around hairline and hair breakage at the crown, around your temples and it can be on one side or both depending on how exactly you styled your hair.

Wrong hairstyling accessories

Avoid tight or wrong bands and hair clips, hairpins, etc. since they can stress and break your hair at their point of placement. Breakages will exacerbate if you put these accessories at the same point on your hair since they can cause hair cuticle to fray, exposing the sensitive inner parts that can break easily.

Excessive heat styling

Whereas heat can help straighten your hair, it can also damage it making your strands to dry and break more easily. People who use flat irons, blow dryers, curling irons and other heat hair styling techniques will suffer from breakages.
Limit use of heat styling as much as possible or avoid it completely if you can. Furthermore, do not use curling or flat irons on wet hair, dry your hair up to 80% if you are using a hair dryer,

Chemical styling, dyes and bleaching

Hair dyes, bleaches, curl relaxers, perms, texturizers, and other chemical hair styling is another cause of your breaking strands. Most of these products have harsh chemicals such hydroxide ions, peroxides, etc, which might be very hair to your hair making brittle by drying (removes natural oils), stripping, changing or breaking normal hair disulphide bonds. If you are keen, you must notice some hair breakage from coloring  (after coloring), relaxing, perms or use of bleaches.
Furthermore, ensure you do not overlap various chemical treatments since this can further damage your hair making it to break.

Hair care products

Shampoos with sulfates can strip away all the moisture from your hair making it dry.

Aggressive hair grooming

Even with the right accessories, avoid excessive and vigorous brushing, combing or even shampooing. Know your hair type and how much shampooing you need.

3. Poor diets lacking some nutrients

Protein can repair weak spots in the hair shaft, warding off breakage”. Furthermore, “deficiency of vitamins B and E and iron may lead to hair breakage.” Other vital ingredients for health and strong hair include zinc, silica, vitamins B 12, etc. All these nutrients will promote hair growth, thicker and 
stronger strands.
Avoid foods high in sodium such as snacks. Sugary foods can also make you to shed hair since they “interfere with the absorption of protein, this goes without saying, protein is very important for the structure of bones, teeth and hair” [lasiesjoint.blogspot.com]
Missing some of these vital nutrients means weaker, thinner strands of hair. This will increase the chances of hair breakages and hair loss.

4. Rough sleeping pillows

Using cotton pillowcases especially if you are wild sleeper how turns and tosses a lot can cause friction and consequently breakages. Instead, go for satin or silk pillowcases since they will not only reduce friction but also not absorb natural oils from your hair, which are much needed.  You can also go for silk/satin bonnets.

5. Stress and hair pulling habits

Some people have both voluntary and involuntary hair pulling habits. These habits can weaken your hair making it vulnerable to breakages.

6. Weigh loss

If you lost more than 15 pounds of weight, expect to have hair breakage issues. This is not a permanent but rather a temporary problem that will last for a few months.

7. Medical Reasons for Hair Breakage

There are some conditions such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa (eating disorders), hypothyroidism – underactive thyroid glands, “idiopathic trichoclasia, monilethrix, trichokryptomania, trichorrhexis nodosa, and skin infections (discoid lupus, erythematosus, lichen planus & scleroderma)” [innovateus.net] are known to cause hair breakage.

8. Other causes of hair breaking off

Other reasons why your hair is breaking off include hormonal imbalances, hereditary factor (family history of brittle hair), prolonged exposure to sun, and other environmental factors.

How to stop hair breakage – products, natural remedies & solutions

It is fact that everyone wants to have luscious locks on their head. Unfortunately, the reasons we have discussed can affect may cause breakages. Let us now look at how you can stop this breakage.
While covering this section, we will talk about hair breakage treatments where we will also cover the natural treatments or home remedies for breaking hair. While covering all that, we will mention some of the best hair breakage products before finishing off by looking at how to prevent hair breakage. Therefore, what stops hair breakage or what to do to stop hair breakage and which are some of the recommended best products for hair breakage?

Best shampoo and conditioner for breakage of hair

The other option to deal with hair breakage is going for some of the best anti breakage shampoo and conditioner. These hair products to stop breakage will minimize stripping off the sebum, which is much needed for your hair. However, ensure you go for the right shampoo, bearing in mind your hair type.


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